Fictitious Business Name INFORMATION


Obtaining a Business Assumed Business Name or Assumed Name

In the U.S. almost every city, county and state governments require business owners to obtain business Assumed Business Names and Assumed Names. In some cases, the federal government may also require you to get special Assumed Business Names or Assumed Name s, depending on the type of business or your business location business.

Fictitious Business Names

 This is a general Assumed Business Name that allows you, as the business owner, the freedom of  operating a business. Fees and costs for a Fictitious Business Name are normally nominal and these kinds of Assumed Business Names are easy to obtain, though application processes may vary.

Here is how to get a municipal Fictitious Business Name:

  1. You may need a  fictitious name certificate and an Employer Identification Number (EIN).
  2. Search this site to determine the kind of Assumed Business Name you need and obtain necessary Fictitious Business Name online application form.
  3. Submit  the online application and pay the fee at the payment page. (In some cases, some governments require that the filing must be done in person).
  4. Normally, after a year, you need to file renewals. Fictitious Business Names usually must be renewed every five years and the government notifies you by sending you renewal papers.

State Fictitious Business Names
State law requires businesses use a name other than the owners name to get a state Assumed Business Name.

To obtain a state Assumed Business Name:

  1. First search this site to see if your particular business requires a state Assumed Business Name.
  2. Get to the Assumed Business Name requirement information and online application for your type of business.
  3. Submit the online application and we will file it, help you file it or direct you with information.

Sales Tax Assumed Business Names
Most states require a sales tax id in addition to Assumed Business Name or seller's license for all retail businesses. This allows you to buy wholesale and charge sales tax to customers on items purchased.  Subsequently, you need to pay these taxes to your state and that is where you use your Sales Tax Assumed Business Name or Sellers Assumed Name .

Federal Assumed Business Names
There is no federal business name registration aside from a federal trademark filing.

Assumed Names
Local Assumed Name requirements vary by jurisdiction. Failure to have the proper Assumed Name s may prevent your business from opening, and could result in fines or even being shut down. Usually it is best to first research the kinds of Assumed Name s your business will need and find out what the regulating agency requires. This helps ensure that you are in compliance with regulations and avoid costly delays and expenses related to re-tooling your business after the fact.

Types of Assumed Name s

Types of Assumed Name s your business may need include:

  • Reseller's Assumed Name
    If you'll be purchasing wholesale merchandise for resale as retail,  all states except OR, NH, and AK will  require you to register for a reseller's Assumed Name or sales tax Assumed Name  in addition  to a bussness name.
  • Home Occupation Permit
    If your business is home-based, many governments require that you obtain a home occupation Assumed Name . There may be a cost or fee associated with it but also there may be a requirement that you do it in person and or bring the building plans.  This is an filing in addition to a fictitious business name.